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2A0150V; 2.0A rectifier; diffused junction; high current capability and low forward voltage dropDIODSN/A2-65°C | 150°C2A01 datasheet (57K)
2A0150 V, 2.0 A silicon rectifierSURGEDO2-65°C | 125°C2A01 datasheet (123K)
2A01G50V; 2.0A glass passivated rectifier; diffused junction; high current capability and low forward voltage dropDIODSN/A2-65°C | 150°C2A01G datasheet (59K)
2A02100V; 2.0A rectifier; diffused junction; high current capability and low forward voltage dropDIODSN/A2-65°C | 150°C2A02 datasheet (57K)
2A02100 V, 2.0 A silicon rectifierSURGEDO2-65°C | 125°C2A02 datasheet (123K)
2A02G100V; 2.0A glass passivated rectifier; diffused junction; high current capability and low forward voltage dropDIODSN/A2-65°C | 150°C2A02G datasheet (59K)
2A03200V; 2.0A rectifier; diffused junction; high current capability and low forward voltage dropDIODSN/A2-65°C | 150°C2A03 datasheet (57K)
2A03200 V, 2.0 A silicon rectifierSURGEDO2-65°C | 125°C2A03 datasheet (123K)
2A03G200V; 2.0A glass passivated rectifier; diffused junction; high current capability and low forward voltage dropDIODSN/A2-65°C | 150°C2A03G datasheet (59K)
2A04400V; 2.0A rectifier; diffused junction; high current capability and low forward voltage dropDIODSN/A2-65°C | 150°C2A04 datasheet (57K)

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