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Analog Devices datasheets

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1B21Isolated, Loop-Powered Voltage-to-Current ConverterAnalog DevicesN/A-N/A | N/A1B21 datasheet (224K)
1B21InputV:0to+10V; outputV:+6.4V; 4 to 20mA ,0 to 20mA; isolated, loop-powered voltage-to-current converter. For multichannel process control, D/A converter -current looop interface, analog transmitters and controllersAnalog DevicesDIP38-25°C | 85°C1B21 datasheet (229K)
1B21InputV: 0-10V; isolated, loop-powered voltage-to-current converter. For multichannel processs control, A/D converter - current loop interface, analog transmitters and controllersAnalog DevicesN/A38-40°C | 85°C1B21 datasheet (228K)
1B22Programmable, Isolated Voltage-to-Current ConverterAnalog DevicesN/A-N/A | N/A1B22 datasheet (223K)
1B22InputV:0to+10V; 4 to 20mA ,0 to 20mA; isolated, loop-powered voltage-to-current converter. For multichannel process control, D/A converter -current looop interface, analog transmitters and controllersAnalog DevicesDIP38-25°C | 85°C1B22 datasheet (232K)
1B22InputV: 0-10V; programmable, isolated voltage-to-current converter. For multichannel processs control, A/D converter - current loop interface, analog transmitters and controllersAnalog DevicesN/A38-40°C | 85°C1B22 datasheet (240K)
1B31Wide Bandwidth Strain Gage Signal ConditionerAnalog DevicesN/A-N/A | N/A1B31 datasheet (609K)
1B31ANInputV: 9.5-28V; outputV: 4-15V; 100mA; wide bandwidth strain gage signal conditioner. For measurement of: strain, torque, force, pressure; instrumentation: indicators, recorders, controllers; and data acquisition systemsAnalog DevicesN/A38-40°C | 85°C1B31AN datasheet (615K)
1B31ANInputV:9.5-28V; outputV:4-15V; 100mA; wide bandwidth strain gage signal conditioner. For measurement of: strain, torque, force, pressure; instrumentation:indicators, recorders, controllers; data acquisition systems; microcomputer analog I/OAnalog DevicesDIP28-40°C | 85°C1B31AN datasheet (616K)
1B31SDInputV:9.5-28V; outputV:4-15V; 100mA; wide bandwidth strain gage signal conditioner. For measurement of: strain, torque, force, pressure; instrumentation:indicators, recorders, controllers; data acquisition systems; microcomputer analog I/OAnalog DevicesDIP28-55°C | 125°C1B31SD datasheet (616K)

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